Could we build a sustainable economy in the Metaverse? If so, how? Let’s find out


One of the topics that are starting to be raised more often in the technology industry, in addition to networking companies and others, is exactly the sustainability of the Metaverse. The emergence of the Metaverse has been compared by many industry experts to the birth of internet technology as the next huge tech revolution of the century.

Expectations are really optimistic. A completely new world, one that is entirely virtual, will emerge from the digital Metaverse and grow concurrently with the physical one. Through distinctive avatars, the residents of this digital Metaverse would engage with one another using a variety of tools, including “smart clothes” or sensors that were physically linked to their bodies. This would include developing new connections and methods of interpreting them, maybe developing entirely new economies, opening up new markets and products, exchanging data and experiences, and much more. :sparkles:

The digital sustainability of the Metaverse needs to be better discussed. When creating platforms, prioritizing development above safety has detrimental impacts on people’s lives, as Web 2.0 has taught us. Fortunately, more and more savvy platforms and businesses are realizing the importance of trust as a strategic growth engine and brand identifier. In other words, the three principles of digital trust—safety, privacy, and inclusion are excellent for growth and development. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Energy consumption in the Metaverse

One of the latest experiences with the Metaverse was Second Life, which had its debut in the gaming industry in 2003. Then, technology was one of many factors that contributed to the slow decline of this “father” of the virtual Metaverse. In other words, the majority of computers at that time were incapable of supporting the data processing necessary for a seamless experience. As we’ve seen, this is something comparable to the current situation with the technologies of the Metaverse.

However, Second Life may also serve as a benchmark for sustainability. The game’s developers, Linden Lab, required a farm with not less than 4,000 servers and 60,000kWh of energy usage in order for it to function effectively at the time. Before 2030, according to the ETLA Economic Research, the energy spent by the tech sector can grow by 14%. :battery:

However, these projections only take into account the state of the art rather than the energy requirements of emerging technologies or gadgets. Given that sustainability also refers to the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, in particular the goal that addresses environmentally friendly energy, we can say that sustainability will be the most vocal opponent if there are any ethical questions regarding the Metaverse.

The Metaverse shouldn’t be a barrier to sustainability, despite any possible roadblocks. In fact, it may already be spurring modifications to support it. Like any 3D virtual world, the Metaverse requires data transfer with huge bandwidths and remarkably low latencies. So, we need to start addressing issues that come with the expanding data-storing centers seriously once we acknowledge the importance of cloud technology for virtual settings like the Metaverse. :blush:

In the meanwhile, the carbon emissions they leave behind, according to experts from Lancaster University, could increase by up to 30% by 2030. Big tech companies are attempting to create data centers that are considerably more sustainable as a result of this. For example, Microsoft has pledged to only use renewable energy starting from 2025 for its Azure cloud platform. In addition, it will aim to provide more water than what it uses and get certification for zero emissions by 2030. :heart_eyes:

A new paradigm, one that prioritizes the load capacity of our planet and global energy consumption, will require us to think about our collective future in the context of the Metaverse in addition to the associated technical advancements. This will necessitate fresh perspectives, a radical rethink of current practices, and sustainable consumption choices.

Guidelines for enhancing the sustainability and safety of the Metaverse

All of the “5 Ps” that we will mention below will be crucial in protecting both the trillions of money that will be invested in the Metaverse and the individuals who will enter it with hope and faith. :point_down:

  • People. This relates to the teams that will create and uphold explicit community rules and regulate user behavior. It’s crucial that the individuals creating the policies are reflective of all users, no matter who they may be or where they may be situated.
  • Priority. This establishes trust and safety as a fundamental component of the platform and acknowledges that it is a critical mission to the enterprise. This calls for a safety and trust officer who has the power and resources necessary to guarantee that all users are protected and welcomed. :closed_lock_with_key:
  • Product. Digital sustainability requires safety, justice, and privacy to be included in systems from the start. Therefore, platforms must implement cutting-edge technology that actively enforces the friendly and safe conduct specified in the platform’s community rules.
  • Process. Platforms must include detailed procedures for a working trust and safety system. Platform providers may use the plethora of information that the community for safety and trust has generously provided to safeguard their digital sustainability.
  • Partnership. As was already said, there is a thriving community of professionals and organizations (such as OASIS) that are eager to share their knowledge and create safety standards that the industry may use. In addition, technology vendors that can support human moderation initiatives are also included in partnerships. :raised_hands:


The Metaverse brings up fresh perspectives on sustainability, both possibilities and difficulties. Transactions that require a lot of computing raise questions regarding energy use and carbon emissions. By replacing real-world experiences and products with digital ones, optimizing with digital twins, and removing psychological obstacles to climate action with interactive experiences, the Metaverse also promises to reduce carbon emissions. Social sustainability is similarly crucial, and we must make sure that everyone can access, participate in, and benefit from the Metaverse. Businesses must take the lead if they want to see the Metaverse prosper. 😉

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