Here are 10 ways how the Metaverse will change the world

For those of you that still don’t know what Metaverse is, we will try to explain it in a simple way. But first, let’s take a look at the origins of the word. Meta is a Greek word that means: after, beyond or next. So, in a literal translation, Metaverse means after the universe or beyond the universe.


However, if we try to explain what the real Metaverse is, we should try and look at it like the Internet combined with 3D and VR. We can enter the Metaverse using VR headsets, and then we can easily interact with other members of the Metaverse. By interacting, we refer to communicating, playing, traveling, and so on.


One thing is for sure. The Metaverse will drastically change the world around us, so we should better prepare by learning how we can use it to improve our day-to-day lives. Below, we present you with 10 ways in which the Metaverse will impact the world!


10. Digital Reality

Many people are not really satisfied with their current lives. Some of them don’t like their job, their friends, their surroundings, or even their partners. In the Metaverse, with the use of VR googles, we would be able to shift from the real world into the “meta” world. This new world can be created and customized by the user’s will. That’s why people working as 3D designers are going to be very needed once the Metaverse “explodes”.


But this comes with a hard truth. It is expected that many people will get somehow addicted to their new life in the Metaverse and that they won’t like to come back to the real world. Why? Because in the Metaverse, they can be whoever they want, do whatever they want, without the real implications on the physical world.


9. Using the Metaverse to travel and connect with friends


This is going to be of the biggest uses of the Metaverse. Many of us like to travel, even on a weekly basis, but because of our day-to-day life, we are unable to do that very often. Here is where Metaverse comes in the game. Now, you will be able to visit any place in the world while sitting comfortably in your chair. No more visas, no more waiting at borders, and expensive airplane tickets.


Of course, some of these services won’t be free, and we would have to pay something in order to enjoy these experiences. However, the prices will be much lower when compared to physical reality travel. So now, when you need to meet with your friends on the opposite side of the planet, just put your VR headset on, and enjoy with them!


8. Changing the world’s economy


Many of the world’s leading companies have already started investing in the Metaverse. According to some predictions made by economists, the total market value of the Metaverse should be bigger than $800,000,000,000 ($800 billion) by 2025.


Some people have already made virtual real estate purchases, which gives them legal ownership of a “piece of land” in the Metaverse. Also, many crypto projects like The Sandbox and Decentraland have their own Metaverses, where many supporters bought the virtual land. Some of them even do a business out of it by buying at the early stages and then selling when the demand is higher! For example, Snoop Dogg is one of the biggest current supporters of the Metaverse, and he even owns a piece of The Sandbox called Snoopverse!


7. Entertainment at its finest


You might be saying: what about the entertainment? Well, this is another amazing opportunity that the Metaverse provides. We have seen how the epidemic that Covid-19 caused affected the industry of entertainment. Now, we have the power to organize all kinds of events, whether they are musical concerts, art shows, or walks in the zoo, without worrying if they are going to be canceled or not.


For example, the famous rap star Travis Scott held his virtual concert, and more than 27 million people saw it. Yes, all of these people were attending this digital reality concert, and it was a mind-blowing number. Now, you can even take your kids to the virtual Jurassic park, and they will be mesmerized by what they are seeing. So, Bye-bye, boring books, the new virtual age has come!


6. The end of the 2D Internet


The Internet was one of the most beneficial technologies ever developed by the human race. It gave us an unlimited number of options, ways to learn, access to knowledge, job opportunities, and so on. But everything has an end, and this is even true for the 2D Internet.


Now, the experts are supposing that the Internet we are using today is going to be fully replaced by 3D Internet. We also believe in this because it will give us many more opportunities and make our lives easier and simpler.


5. Shopping in the Metaverse


We all love shopping. Scientists have found out that when we buy something online, our brain releases dopamine (one of the four “happy” hormones). However, we all know how much time can be spent going from one store to another in the mall. In the Metaverse, you can access any brand you like in seconds, and you will be able to see how the clothes will look on your avatar.


No more spending hours in the mall while looking for things that fit you. Now, you can select a pair of jeans, for example, and change their size in seconds. Furthermore, once you find something you like, you will pay for it with digital currency, and your things are going to be delivered straight to your living address.


4. Revolution of the money


Even though many people are already familiar with crypto and how crypto transactions work, for the majority of people, crypto is still an unknown subject. But, as time passes, more and more people are going to start using crypto in their everyday lives. We are saying this because cryptocurrencies are digital assets that are going to be the preferred payment method in the Metaverse.


There are many reasons why cryptocurrencies are better than Fiat currencies. However, the biggest of them are security and transparency. All cryptocurrencies are based on and built using Blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, whether someone is buying or selling, is registered on the Blockchain. This makes scamming almost impossible because any transaction can be traced easily.


Furthermore, crypto is decentralized. This means that when people switch from Fiat to crypto, we will no longer need banks to approve our transactions. With crypto, we can choose to send money to anyone, at any time of the day, even on weekends! Also, there are no limits on how much you can send or spend; it all depends on you. Finally, this is the freedom that the people need!


3. Education and learning


When the Metaverse is going to be adopted by most schools, high schools, and universities, we will see an enormous shift in educational terms. As for now, we are supposed to go to a physical school, no matter if outside it is raining, snowing, or 40+ Celsius degrees.


This is not going to be the case in the Metaverse. Instead, the students will be able to attend their virtual classes from their homes. Also, depending on the subject being taught, the VR world’s surroundings will also change. For example, if we are learning about the ancient world in Egypt, the classroom can look like an interior of the pyramids. Or, if we are taking a physics lesson, our teacher can be wearing Nikola Tesla’s avatar, which will make the whole lesson more appealing.


2. Working in the Metaverse


Many companies are facing problems in terms of working space. To make it clear to you, let’s observe how companies that are selling via the phone are working. First, they have to create special soundproof offices, so their employees won’t interrupt each other as they speak. Of course, this won’t be a problem in the Metaverse because anyone can work from their homes.


No more boring Zoom calls. Now, everyone can stand in front of the whole audience without the need to pay for those huge halls. In addition, because of the increased interactions in the Metaverse, people will have more chances to express their creativity and problem-solving skills.

1. Exercising in the Metaverse


Let’s speak about how we can use the Metaverse to improve our body shapes and directly influence our health. For instance, if you love running in the forest but you are living in Dubai, you can just enter the Metaverse and choose your favorite forest trail. Then, in a moment, you can be in the running in Schwartzwald, hearing the birds around you. And all this will be happening while you are running on the treadmill in your own house.


Also, if you are a gym newbie, we are sure that you might need a personal coach. In this virtual world, you can subscribe to a personal trainer that knows all of the exercises. Then, whenever you have a question about any exercise, it will show you how it’s properly done! All this and much more will soon be a reality, so be prepared. The Metaverse is coming faster than you can imagine.

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